“ A living classroom providing hands on learning through engaging bushfood experiences”.
Is your school, kindergarten, TAFE or community group looking to develop a native bushfood garden or learn how to utilize native bushfoods in the kitchen?
With over 25 years experience in environmental science, sustainability, community and project management, Julie and Anthony offer a diverse range of services for the classroom and your school.
Some of our services include:
Native Bushfood Garden Design Service: We provide specialist advice on site assessment and preparation, garden design and appropriate plant species supplied from our nursery.
Native Bushfood Nursery: Our nursery has a carefully selected range of native bushfood plants suitable for use in schools and community settings. We work with you to ensure that the plants will be able to be incorporated into the classroom setting.
Interpretive Signs: We supply interpretive signs for each plant that provides detail on the origin and uses of the plants.
Connecting the garden to the classroom: The gardens we create are living classrooms and provide exciting opportunities for hands on learning experiences for your students. We can assist with curriculum ideas to maximise learning outcomes.
Ongoing support: We offer ongoing support to assist with any enquiries regarding the maintenance of your garden.
Native Pantry Cooking School: Our popular cooking school classes are an immersive experience for your students. They get to harvest the foods from our gardens, learning about the uses of the plants and work together to produce tasty dishes that they all then enjoy. Julie is an experienced educator who can tailor the program for Year 11 & 12 Food Studies and TAFE Certificates 3 & 4 in Commercial Cookery.
Packages tailored to your needs: We can create a package according to the needs of your school, kindergarten, TAFE or community group. Whether it's a complete design service, providing plants, or running sessions in our Native Pantry Cooking School, please contact us to discuss how we can best assist you.
Contact Julie or Anthony for more information.
Check out our flyer for more information (DOWNLOAD HERE)